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Whereizzit in South Dakota?

Aug 5, 2011

Our editor has been up and down just about every paved road in South Dakota in 26 years of publishing the magazine, but he was traveling this week and came upon a stretch he hadn't seen before. He snapped this picture of a long-closed service station. It is within a long stone's throw of a very small town, and is on a state highway. We know this is a tough one. We'll provide some clues as the day goes on. One clue is the very fact that Bernie hadn't wandered onto this road in 26 years.

The winner is the first person to correctly identify the location or name the small town that is nearby. You'll win a free gift subscription which you can keep for yourself or award to anyone you wish! Good luck.

Clue No. 1 — Ok, we'll cut the state in half. It is in West River.

Clue No. 2 — We'll cut the state in quarters. It is south of I-90.

Clue No. 3 — There's a river nearby with a Sioux name that means "turtle hill."

Clue No. 4 — You'll associate the town's name with our prison system.

Fran Ceila Hill is the winner! It is south of Burke along Highway 47, right on the SD/Neb border. 


08:09 am - Fri, August 5 2011
Jay Blankenfeld said:
09:01 am - Fri, August 5 2011
Mary Mayville said:
11:31 am - Fri, August 5 2011
Mary Mayville said:
11:51 am - Fri, August 5 2011
Rosemary said:
Long Valley
11:51 am - Fri, August 5 2011
Lou said:
12:08 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Mary Mayville said:
12:49 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Mary Nelson said:
12:57 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
JD said:
12:59 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Jason said:
hidden timber
01:04 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Mary Nelson said:
I second Hidden Timber
01:08 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
I was originally looking in the Hidden Timber area, as I thought it might be Olsonville, but I bet it is further east at Jamison (south of Burke). The last clue helped with that.
01:09 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
chris said:
Wood, SD?
01:20 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Rebecca Johnson said:
Fran Ceila Hill is the winner! You can email to let us know where you would like the subscription sent.
01:24 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Bernie Hunhoff said:
Good Job Fran. The picture is right on the SD/Neb border, south of Burke on Hwy 47. The town of Jameson, Neb., is just to the west of the highway. Beautiful, wide open grasslands and cattle country through there.
01:48 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Thanks! It pays to be from the middle of nowhere and familiar with other middle of nowhere places. :-)
01:57 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
Rebecca Johnson said:
And I didn't notice that JD guessed Jamison before Fran. He gets a subscription on me!
08:36 pm - Fri, August 5 2011
brian simpson said:
Used to be Stack's Store later Reber's Service Station.
09:55 am - Fri, September 2 2011
Marcy Kickhafer said:
My mom's maiden name was Reber. This was and still is in my family. I actually lived there for about 3-4 years (1989-1992). Wish I would have seen this post sooner!

Love SD magazine!

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