Calamity's Shindig: Deadwood History's Fundraiser - Deadwood

Feb 23, 2024

No one threw a better party than Calamity Jane.  Join us for musical entertainment by Kenny Putnam, Cody Landstrom, Boyd Bristow, and Mike Connor; Sarah Carlson as the adventurous wildcat of the West, Calamity Jane, and Deadwood Alive’s Andy Mosher as Marshal Con Stapleton; heavy hors d’oeuvres catered by Cheyenne Crossing; cash bar and auctions.  The live auction will be hosted by Terry Hupp.  Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center; 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.; admission $50 per person.  Advance reservations required.  Purchase online at or call 605-722-4800.

Location:   Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center
Map:   150 Sherman Street, Deadwood, South Dakota 57732
Phone:   605-722-4800

All Dates:
Feb 23, 2024

No one threw a better party than Calamity Jane.  Join us for musical entertainment by Kenny Putnam, Cody Landstrom, Boyd Bristow, and Mike Connor; Sarah Carlson as the adventurous wildcat of the West, Calamity Jane, and Deadwood Alive’s Andy Mosher as Marshal Con Stapleton; heavy hors d’oeuvres catered by Cheyenne Crossing; cash bar and auctions.  The live auction will be hosted ...
Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center
Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center 57732 150 Sherman Street, Deadwood, South Dakota 57732
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