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February/March 1987
Canton photographer Joel Strasser captured this scene of frost on the pine trees of a Black Hills valley. |
Fjords: Year-around Double Dipping: Family ice cream plant is a hit in the Black Hills. Gurneys Keeps Growing and Growing: Yankton nursery company is old and healthy. Gurney Catalog is an Invigorating Tonic: This seed catalog is like a breath of spring air. Midland Spells Relief: Mineral baths and massage ease pain in this little ranch town. Chic Foods of the Midwest: A Midwesterner tells Arizonans about our style of eating. A Rancher's Dream: The Frawleys of Centennial Valley have a plan to preserve the heritage of the courtyard barns. Brown County's Farm Experimenter: Hardy Campbell was a tinkerer who advanced Dakota agriculture. Old Val: A touching story of an old man and his horse. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.