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South Dakota Magazine is headquartered at the Pennington House, an old Dakota Territory governor's house built in 1875 at the corner of Third and Pearl in downtown Yankton.
South Dakota Magazine is headquartered at the Pennington House, an old Dakota Territory governor's house built in 1875 at the corner of Third and Pearl in downtown Yankton.
South Dakota 125 celebrates our state's quasquicentennial.
South Dakota 125 celebrates our state's quasquicentennial.
Mike Reagan, the artist whose map of South Dakota is featured on the magazine's Table of Contents page, has created a new watercolor of the Black Hills.
Mike Reagan, the artist whose map of South Dakota is featured on the magazine's Table of Contents page, has created a new watercolor of the Black Hills.

Christmas Jingle & Mingle

Friday, December 12

Please join the South Dakota Magazine staff for a holiday open house and book signing Friday, December 12. Visit the historic Pennington House at 410 E. Third Street in Yankton for cookies, hot apple cider and great gift ideas including our new map print of the Black Hills and our book, South Dakota 125. Meet the authors and get your books signed!


08:05 am - Tue, December 2 2014
Emily R said:
Is it Friday the 12th or Saturday the 13th?
01:17 pm - Tue, December 2 2014
John Andrews said:
It is Friday, Dec. 12. Hope to see you there!

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