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July/August 1994

"Landscape Cows" is the title of this watercolor by Marian Henjum.


Hill City: Life is full of challenges in Hill City, but to the hearty residents of the Black Hills burg, it's worth the effort.

The Family Spurs: They're just tarnished silver and cracking leather... and a priceless family treasure.

Marian Henjum: Noted Sioux Falls watercolor artist survives and thrives in the difficult South Dakota art world. [read more]

Postcards: South Dakota postcards from the early part of the century say more than "Wish you were here."

Drop Him Till He Dies: In 1882, Thomas Egan was the first man legally executed in South Dakota. It turned out to be a mistake.

Dakota Grains: Oats aren't just for horses anymore.

The Legend of Pawnee House: French traders saved from attack by Pawnee apparitions.

The CanAm Highway: From O'Neil Pass to the little town of Ludlow.

Did Jesse James Jump? Did the legendary outlaw jump Devil's Gulch, or is the incident just another legend from the quartzite chasm? [read more]

The Endangered Sturgeon: The pallid sturgeon is on the brink of extinction, and it appears the dams on the Missouri are to blame.




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