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November/December 2000
John Green's cover art depicts a young man's trip to Christmas church services. |
Showdown in Centennial Valley: Conflicts on saving a historic Black Hills ranch. Canton: Exploring South Dakota's Norwegian capital. Hispanic Sioux Falls: Immigrants bring color to South Dakota. A Capital Comeback: Undeterred by losses, Yankton citizens work to preserve its heritage. Suspects in Sturgis: A plot to free German POWs was hatched at Fort Meade. [read more] Skeletons of the Prairie: What is the value of crumbling rural architecture? The Batesland Raid: Mountain oysters and tribal police rescued a Martin man. The Great Blizzard of 1888: Aloise Matzner remembered the storm of the century in ther 1965 memoir. Arikara Ghost Town: What should be done with an Indian village site in Hughes County? Christmas at Wounded Knee: Warm memories of cold holidays on Pine Ridge Reservation. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.