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There's more to South Dakota than corn and cowboys — but that doesn't mean cowboy pictures aren't fun. This photo of a Medora to Deadwood Wagon Train participant is by Chad Coppess of <a href='' target='_blank'>Dakotagraph</a>.
There's more to South Dakota than corn and cowboys — but that doesn't mean cowboy pictures aren't fun. This photo of a Medora to Deadwood Wagon Train participant is by Chad Coppess of Dakotagraph.

South Dakota Web Roundup

Aug 31, 2012

Melisa Goss wrote a piece recently on how there’s more to South Dakota than “corn fields, cattle and cowboys.” We couldn’t agree more — although we're quite fond of that trio. The following South Dakota bloggers also appreciate our state's diversity.

Everyday Bon Homme is a photo blog featuring a variety of scenes from all over that county.  Agri- and cowboy cultures are documented, but it also includes scenes of whimsy, wildlife, ethnic pride, and even doughnuts. Yum.  

Speaking of yum, blogging sisters Barb and Lisa have teamed up to share family recipes, stories and pictures at Pickles and Petunias. Sure could go for a slice of their peach pie about now. 

Lots of people look for familiar shapes in the clouds – Jill at Wild Idea Buffalo Co. finds animals in dead logs (look at the bottom of the post — but check out the bison, wildlife and sloppy joe recipe on your way down.) 

Another photolicious blog post this week gave us a peek at one of Spearfish’s Downtown Friday Nights

Hope this post inspires you to get out your cameras and share glimpses of your favorite South Dakota Labor Day Weekend activities. 



05:16 am - Sun, September 2 2012
Ed said:
That Grand daughter is becoming quite a writter. By the way I really enjoyed Bernie discribing Emmett Riley on his page in the magazine. Bernie tells the story just like it came out of Emmetts mouth. Good job Bernie all of the folks who read the magazine and knew Emmett got a kick out of it. And Melisa you keep up the good work.
08:56 am - Mon, September 3 2012
Very cool picture, and ideas that you have. I always love to hear and see my home state South Dakota.
South Dakota Country Band
10:15 am - Tue, September 4 2012
Laura said:
Ed - you must be very proud, and rightly so!
Leland - Thanks for letting us know about your band.

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