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A fawn rests in this photo by <a href='' target='_blank'>Chad Coppess</a> of South Dakota Tourism.
A fawn rests in this photo by Chad Coppess of South Dakota Tourism.

South Dakota Web Roundup

Mar 23, 2012

I’m not a bit tired of talking about how spring is here yet. For as giddy as I am about it, you’d think we’d had a winter this year.  But who can remain passive when the signs of new life are everywhere, from the lushness of the grass under our feet to the green haze of trees nearly ready to leaf out?

The South Dakota Cowgirl observed prairie chickens preparing to dance this week. And we all know what chicken dancing leads to – baby animals.  My inner five-year-old is ecstatic. The local farm supply store has chicks and ducklings for sale, and there’s some sweet new calves on Amy Kirk’s ranch in Pringle. Of course, in the Black Hills they have very different signs of spring.  

If you're looking for things to do this weekend, here are a few ideas. It's the first weekend of Freeman's cultural celebration,  Schmeckfest.  The Washington Pavilion is celebrating National Agriculture Day tomorrow, and Platte is holding its Farm, Home and Sports Show as well. Race fans can take in the Oahe Speedway Fan Fest at the Pierre Mall, and there's art and craft shows in Faulkton and Mitchell


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