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Whereizzit in South Dakota?

Jun 23, 2014

Thanks to all who participated in our July 2014 Whereizzit in South Dakota contest! Look for this old water tank next time you're in the Oelrichs area.

We drew Maynard Britain's name at random from the list of correct guesses, so he'll be receiving an assortment of South Dakota Magazine products in the mail soon.

Be sure to watch for a new Whereizzit contest in our September/October issue!


07:19 am - Sun, June 29 2014
Maynard Britain said:
Ostriches town well. Rocks laid up by Garrison and Ollie Britain in the 1930's. Ostriches is located in southwestern SD...13 miles north of the NE/SD on Highway 385.
07:22 am - Sun, June 29 2014
Maynard Britain said:
Post added...stupid spell check. Oelrichs is the city in SD. Not Ostriches!
10:53 am - Thu, July 3 2014
Lou Ann Cope said:
I believe the rock building is the old well house in Oelrichs.
09:26 am - Sun, July 6 2014
Robert Simon said:
The picture is ARDMORE south Dakota on sd Nebraska border
05:43 am - Tue, July 8 2014
Ed said:
I thought Ardmore was about a mile North of the border. Part of the incorporated town/village would touch or cross the border, if it was on the border,
like Lemmon, SD on the ND/SD border. Yankton, SD is on the border of Neb. and SD along with other SD towns that are on the border of other states.
11:02 am - Thu, July 10 2014
Howard Smith said:
Pretty sure I saw this over by Hurley.
11:37 am - Sun, July 13 2014
Janet said:
In Huron SD on the corner of 3rd, on top of a small hill near the James River Bridge.
11:48 am - Sun, July 13 2014
Lori said:
I have no idea, so I guess oldham, just because of the name.
08:09 am - Mon, July 21 2014
Reta Thovson said:
Location of round water tank is in Oelrichs.
03:51 pm - Sun, July 27 2014
Calvin Matsamas said:
This is the old well house here in Oelrichs, South Dakota.

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