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Aurland United Norwegian Lutheran Church
Sep 2, 2010
Editor Bernie Hunhoff took these photos of the Aurland United Norwegian Lutheran Church located in Brown County southeast of Frederick.
Norwegian settlers organized the Aurland United Norwegian Lutheran Church in 1885.
Early services were held in homes and at a local school house.
Construction of the church began in 1905. The church was built as a replica of a church in their homeland of Aurland, Norway.
The building cost $850 to build and all of the labor was donated by church members.
The church building was completed in 1908. Early services were held in Norwegian. English was gradually incorporated into the services in the late 1920s.
The church was placed on the National Historic Places Registry in 1982. It still contains original furnishings.
The church doors closed in 1953 "due to reasons beyond our control." A stone monument was erected in front of the church in 1961 with inscriptions of the original church members.
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