Fructus et Flores - Photographs by Mercedes Nelson - Sioux Falls

Aug 2, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024

Join us as we celebrate Fructus et Flores, the latest experimental film magic of Mercedes Nelson, on Friday, August 3rd from 7 pm-9 pm.

The exhibit runs through Sunday, August 25th.

In the beginning, this series was about experimentation and learning; taking various fruits and flowers and seeing what sort of effects different ones would have on the 35mm film cooked with them. As models came and posed with these fruit and flowers, it began to evolve as a connection was formed between each model and their various materials. The process for pairing models and props became a sort of intuitive ritual and set the mood for the shoot, which became its own form of ceremony. These photos presented here today reflect not only the play and exploration of the chemical discovery, but also a raw connection formed in the moment between artist, model, and organic matter to create a unique and spiritual energy documented on film. Magical things happen when the creation process starts from a place of play and asking “what would happen if..”

Location:   Rose and Eugene Presents
Map:   701 North Phillips Avenue, #135, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Phone:   6052715418

All Dates:
Aug 2, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024 Opening Reception: First Friday, August 2nd from 7pm-9pm

Experimental Film Photography Exhibit

Rose and Eugene Presents
Rose and Eugene Presents 57104 701 North Phillips Avenue, #135, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
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