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Farewell, Fairview?
Oct 9, 2012
Tommie Fantine Lauer visited the town Fairview, now population 60, this summer. Though businesses are fading, she found that there is still life in the quiet community in Lincoln County.
Remnants of the past dot the tiny Lincoln County town of Fairview.
Fairview rests along the bluffs of the Big Sioux River.
Remnants of the past dot the tiny Lincoln County town of Fairview.
Remnants of the past dot the tiny Lincoln County town of Fairview.
No business at the former co-op.
Tragedy struck Fairview on October 6, 1989, when a customer was killed in a bank robbery. The bank closed in 1999.
Remnants of the past dot the tiny Lincoln County town of Fairview.
A colorful yard shows not everyone is at rest in this sleepy town.
Children still bike around Fairview's quiet streets.
A nuzzling pair of horses find safe haven in Fairview. Every June, the little town hosts the
Big Sioux Bluffs Trail Ride, bringing 200 more horses and riders to town to raise funds for Hope Haven.
The local post office is open on weekday mornings and for an hour and a half on Saturdays. Fairview residents will be holding a community meeting regarding the possibility of further service cuts by the USPS.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Love is in the air with a recent engagement at Sylvan Lake. Happy Valentine's Day! Photo by Kristi ...
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.