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Health Care Politics in South Dakota
May 14, 2014
A new poll finds that health care is the most important deciding issue for South Dakotans trying to pick their next Senator. Republicans think that means crying wolf about the Affordable Care Act.
Mike Rounds is cluttering up everyone's evening news with his mendacious ad claiming the Affordable Care Act makes him lose sleep. Rounds flat out lies, telling folks that the ACA is cutting Medicare and reducing benefits for seniors like his dear old dad, who, given his long-time service as a lobbyist for the oil industry and the fact that his son is the richest Republican in the U.S. Senate race, is probably one of the last people in South Dakota who needs to worry about paying his medical bills. For the record, the ACA hasn't reduced care for Don Rounds or any other senior citizen; the cuts Rounds says he opposes are replicated by the Republican Paul Ryan budget.
Rounds, like everyone else on the Republican ticket, vows to repeal the ACA. Rounds et al. consistently call the ACA “ObamaCare,” which shows that for them, repealing the ACA is more about burning that man in the White House in effigy than about crafting good policy.
Call it what you will, the ACA is working. 17.3 to 27.7 million Americans have some sort of coverage thanks to provisions of the ACA. And consider this comparison of what happens when you implement the ACA with what happens when you don't: In states that have expanded Medicaid under the ACA, hospitals are seeing a lower percentage of uninsured patients. In states like South Dakota that have rejected the ACA-Medicaid expansion, hospitals are seeing a higher percentage of uninsured patients. More uninsured patients mean more uncompensated care and more of what former Republican State Senator Stan Adelstein calls a hidden tax on the rest of us. In other words, everything else being equal, things are better with the ACA than without.
And Mike Rounds says, "Do without." As former SDGOP boss Joel Rosenthal writes, Rounds and his false-fear-mongering GOP compadres aren't offering any real policy alternatives to the ACA. Independent Larry Pressler is talking about lowering costs through health cooperatives. Democrat Rick Weiland is talking about making Medicare (which everyone loves, including Rounds) a public option, available to anyone who wants to buy in. Both Pressler and Weiland acknowledge that the ACA is imperfect. They respond not by making Barack Obama a bogeyman but by talking about ways to solve problems and make health care work better.
That same poll showing South Dakotans' strong concern about health care also shows Rounds winning 44 percent of the vote, Weiland 30 percent, and Pressler 17 percent. That's a pretty even split between fear mongering and problem-solving. Unfortunately, the two problem-solvers are splitting the practical vote, allowing fear and fecklessness to win the day. Pressler and Weiland will both need to work on pulling voters out of Camp Fear and into Camp Fix-It. Folks hoping for more progress on health care policy should wish Weiland and Pressler well.
Editor's Note: Cory Heidelberger is our political columnist from the left. For a conservative perspective on politics, please look for columns by Dr. Ken Blanchard on this site.
Cory Allen Heidelberger writes the Madville Times political blog. He grew up on the shores of Lake Herman. He studied math and history at SDSU and information systems at DSU, and has taught math, English, speech, and French at high schools East and West River.
And what's this about a politician telling "flat out lies"? I'm shocked ! Are you serious? They really do that? If you like your current healthcare policy you can keep it. Most did........and most can't.
If the same poll indicated 3-1 support for the Keystone pipeline and only 3% cared about EB-5, would you hold to the same standard of polls as reality and cease blathering about those two issues?
Can anyone point out to me the rabid candidate support supplied by Mr. Blanchard on the SD Magazine website?
There's no balance with these columns--just one unpaid (or paid?) campaign manager spouting his rabid support for one candidate or issue. Which is all fine, but how about full disclosure?
As for Mr. Weiland ... like the rest of his party, he is unburdened by any notion of fiscal reality. No matter what mechanism is used to cover the uninsured, it's being paid for with BORROWED MONEY! Has that occurred to him? Is that a sustainable model?
What, specifically, has Mike Rounds lied about in regards to Obamacare?
You've been challenged: this isn't your blog where you can say whatever you wish, and your lackeys will amen it. No black ops conspiracy theories or links to obscure websites in NM. No 3-4-5th hand filtered quotes from Mr. Rounds. No more Cory-reveals-the-hidden-meanings-behind-the-words ploys.
So, what did Mike Rounds lie about in regards to Obamacare?
Either put up, or shut up.
I make clear Rounds's lies above. They are the same lies told by many fear-mongering Republican candidates. The ACA is not weakening Medicare. It is strengthening Medicare and extending Medicare's viability. Helping millions of American get insurance and thus access to affordable care means younger people will get healthier. When those younger people become older people, they'll be in better shape and cost Medicare less, extending the viability of the program even further.
We would make Medicare even stronger by adopting Rick Weiland's plan to allow any willing citizen to buy into Medicare. That would bring a vast pool of younger, healthier premium payers into the system, making it even easier for Medicare to cover all participants' health care costs.
The debate has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with facts and policy. Mike Rounds is wrong on facts and policy.
My opinion is that Rounds, or anyone for that matter, cannot currently lie about Obamacare. The reason I say this is that no one knows what the heck is going to happen. The current administration seems to willy-nilly change the law at their discretion. What were are experiencing here is not a medical or health issue but rather a control issue. I think it won't be long before the government, rather than medical professionals, will control the fate of our health care. I realize that a lot of the new generations seem to have that "take care of me" philosophy and if they are the ones who think we need to change our form of government that has worked so well for so many years.........well, so be they will live with the intended, or not so intended, consequences.
Mike Rounds may be wrong on facts & policy---that's quite a different statement than he lied about Obamacare.
"South Dakotans want to discuss real issues, "Robert", not your personal vendetta against me.You lessen the value of the conversation with your distractions. "
Claiming that a well-respected public servant lied about Obamacare is not a distraction--it's libelous. You made the claim about Rounds lying about Obamacare, failed or refused to back it up with facts, and now wish to avoid responsibility for it by making another claim about it being a "distraction".
Repeatedly, you have made outrageous statements here & elsewhere to further your extreme views, and when challenged, you dismiss the challenges. That's not a distraction or a vendetta, it's shameful.
You claim that S. Dakotans want to discuss real issues (as if you would know what S. Dakotans want), but In the end, we again see that the issue you desire to raise ("Mike Rounds lied about Obamacare") are rooted in fantasy.
The readers of SD Magazine recognize the fantasy
Drop me an email.
I'm not necessarily a conservative, but these unpaid candidate commercials and hit pieces deserve some balance.
Mike Rounds is merely a crook.
Both parties are to blame for this fiasco Dave T. We could have joined forces and produced something of value. This was written almost entirely by the insurance companies, so who the heck do any of us think is paying the bill.
If you are GOP or Dem and think EB5 is political crap that just needs to be swept under the carpet, you are either uninformed or part of the system that would allow the millions of stolen dollars, a dead body and a host of other issues now being federally investigated to go permanently dormant.
I was initially excited with the thought of US Sen Rounds. Similar to childbirth, many of my objections had dimmed. I started questioning my thoughts as the Rounds campaign evolved, mostly due to one campaign relationship that was shown crony, but I don't wish to be frivolously sued over disclosing.
EB5 and campaign dollars from ceo's coast to coast when studied show a business return will be necessary with political business as usual were the straws that broke the camels back for me.
This isn't about me. It's about the issues and your ongoing habit of demonizing those who hold differing opinions--in the pages of SD magazine and elsewhere.
Don't try your usual shuck and jive tactics here: tell us how Mike Rounds lied about Obamacare. You made the claim that he "lied". Not that he was wrong, or that you disagree with his views--you claimed that he lied. No need to evade. No need to attack. No need to try to engage commenters here who see you for what you are in a lame attempt to avoid responsibility for what you wrote.
Just back up your words. We don't need a photo of you or me or Mary. We don't need an investigation of who said what. Focus on what you claimed about Mike Rounds and his "lies" about Obamacare.
Back it up, "Cory".
What lie(s) did Mike Rounds make about Obamacare?
A "discussion" where a "columnist" makes unsubstantiated claims that a dedicated SD public servant (imperfect as we all are) has lied about Obamacare is not a discussion. Your usual tactic of "oh yeah, your guy lies" is not a discussion. You don't want a discussion of "the issues", you want a mean monologue on your "issues." Why else base a column on a wide-ranging poll, cherry pick the health care aspect, use it to attack Mike Rounds and his "lie(s)" about Obamacare, ignore the poll respondents' near 0% concerns about your favorite "issues" of EB-5 and Keystone, and then claim you want to address the issues? You did not use the poll to raise "issues" to discuss, you cherry picked a small part of it to attack Mike Rounds.
People are tired of your tactics, "Cory." Your attempts to "engage" after calling Mike Rounds a liar on Obamacare appear desperate and pathetic.
How the issue of self-reflection?
The author of your cited piece is not a journalist, and the piece is not a published "story". It is a guest commentary by a person who, "for 39 years and is chair of the Hughes County democrats."
No partisanship or bias there!
Please cite where Mike Rounds has said anything of the sort.
Folks, this is what is called a "strawman". Cory, as is his usual tactic, completely invents something he believes Mike Rounds has said (but did not), and then proceeds to attack Mike Rounds for saying whatever "Cory" thinks MIke Rounds said.
And then he has the gall to speak of the lies of Mike Rounds.
Strawmen are the domain of the intellectually stilted.
The LA Times reports that late last week hundreds of pages of new regulations were added to Obamacare. Their reporters went through it and found a few key paragraphs. The change in regulations essentially provides insurers with another backup: If they keep rate increases modest over the next couple of years but lose money, the administration will tap federal funds as needed to cover shortfalls. This could be hundreds of billions of dollars!
This is a classic bait and switch. The middle class will feel like they're getting a break on insurance premiums. As long as they don't look at the governments check book, they'll believe the Affordable Health Care Law is working. It only unravels if they realize they are paying double for their insurance, because the increase is being charged to their account in the form of more debt.
Democrats have opportunities to put nominees in place in the US Senate and gubernatorial earth hater primaries that don't have the power that unlimited cash resources afford the front-runners.
Monkey wrenchers: make it so.
Mostly untrue.
Rep. registrations are steady
Democrat registrations are trending downwards
"Others" are steady.
Facts are facts.
Pants on fire.
I'm still waiting for an email.
I'm not sure how to respond to "Larry Kurtz"s weird comments.
Should they be deleted?