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Staff Favorites from July/August 2016
Jul 12, 2016
Here are some of our favorite photos from the latest issue of the magazine. What are yours?
Rebecca Johnson, special projects coordinator, chose this scene from a Native American naming ceremony. Photo by Keith Hemmelman.
Andrea Maibaum, production manager, chose this photo of Kevin Bean’re taken during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Bean’re is known as the Mayor of Fun at the Buffalo Chip Campground. Photo by Aaron Packard.
Sandy Easterling, subscriptions, liked all the photos in the Our Wild Side section. “They take me back to my childhood — times with my dad at the river finding beaver chewed logs, fall pheasant hunts and the ever-faithful family dog following us everywhere.” Photo by Sam Stukel.
John Andrews, managing editor, likes this photo of Jett Stroup by Keith Hemmelman. “Intended or not, the opening of the tipi almost makes it feel like readers are getting an inside look at this traditional Native American naming ceremony."
Bernie Hunhoff, editor-at-large, likes Joel Schwader’s photo of Jordanna Thunder Hawk in pow wow regalia. “She looks like a poster child for a very rich part of our region’s culture."
Administrative assistant Ruth Steil and intern Chloe Kenzy chose this field of sunflowers. “Sunflowers remind me of sunshine and they make me smile,” Kenzy says. Photo by Keith Hemmelman.
“Paul Thomasson’s photo of the grasslands west of Wall is simple, pristine and gorgeous,” says Roger Holtzmann, contributing editor.
Heidi Marsh, co-publisher, chose this photo of cornhusking champ Jim Redder. Redder has won state titles in hand corn-picking contests. Photo by Bernie Hunhoff.
Laura Johnson Andrews, circulation & marketing manager, likes this photo from Sam Hurst’s book about the founder of Reptile Gardens. “Earl Brockelsby fascinates me. You know times are tough when wearing a rattlesnake on your head seems like a good idea."
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Sunrise over the Korean War Memorial in Pierre. Photo by John Wulf, The Wandering Wulfs
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.