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March/April 2004
Children refresh themselves in Roughlock Falls. Photo by Paul Horsted. |
Earth, Air, Fire — and Water: An exploration of Black Hills waterfalls. Changing Clay: South Dakota ceramists mold earth into pots and art. Four Survivors in Buffalo County: "It was kill or be killed" on Normandy Beach in 1944. Mobridge to Lemmon on Highway 12: Traveling a colorful stretch of the Yellowstone Trail. Brandon's Boom: An old Minnehaha County town where most everything is new. Sturgis's Grand Dame: Pearl Hoel is the mother of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. [read more] South Dakota at 75 MPH: Interstate 90 through the eye of Paul Horsted's camera. Frontier Phantoms: When Lake Oahe's waters are low, the ghosts of LeBeau still show. [read more] Edgemont's Slow Roll: The uranium boom went bust, but imagination brings new life to Fall River County. Prairie City's Petrified Tree: Nature's art from an ancient swamp in northwestern South Dakota. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.