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May/June 2009

Lake Poinsett, South Dakota's second largest natural lake, has plenty of space on its sandy beaches for children in search of adventure. Photo by Bernie Hunhoff.


Poinsett's Charm: A beach becomes a community in northeastern South Dakota. [read more]

Through a Doctor's Eyes: Dr. Anne Galante's views of the Rosebud Reservation.

Wild and Civilized: Saving mustangs on the Cheyenne River Reservation. [read more]

Our Ethnic Festivals: South Dakotans celebrate their ethnicity with food, dancing and colorful costumes.

Spring at the Capitol: Photographer Scott Howard shows us the vibrant colors framing our state capitol. [read more]

Pickle Packing Party: Cucumbers bring people together in Delmont's summer tradition. [read more]

Clamming the James: Shell-seekers combed the James River to find their fortunes [read more]

Reviving Lead's Roundhouse: Fine meals are now served where locomotives were once serviced.

Exploring Gilley's Grove: A Brookings County forest surrounded by prairie. [read more]




Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.

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