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May/June 2010
Pow wows are among the 25 activities we belive everyone should experience. Greg Latza took this picture of Andrew Kills Crow while attending the Kenel Wacipi. |
Backpacking Sage Creek: A photographer's Badlands journal. [read more] Lemmon — Border Town: This Perkins County cow town straddles the state line for a perfectly respectable purpose. Grills from the Farm: Perfecting barbecue in Lake Preston. On the Big Screen: Telling South Dakota stories through film. Foot Doctor: Farrier Toby Nelson is a friend to West River horses. The Funeral Gift: An unforgettable journey home to Gettysburg. 25 Things Every South Dakotan Should Do: Take our quiz to find out how South Dakotan you are. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.