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Staff Favorites from May/June 2015
May 12, 2015
Here are some of our favorite photos from the latest issue of the magazine. What are yours?
Mary Wickler Peterson, advertising correspondent, and Rebecca Johnson, special projects coordinator, chose this photo by Bonny Fleming. “My husband and I enjoy going to a favorite primitive camping spot each year in the Black Hills,” says Peterson. “And, I am a big fan of Bonny Fleming's photography. She's a very talented young lady who seeks unusual approaches in her photography shoots.”
Administrative assistant Ruth Steil chose this photo of Victor Settje by Bernie Hunhoff. "Mr. Settje’s smile is so genuine and the light coming though the rafters is very pretty," Steil says. Settje is lovingly deconstructing St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Scotland.
Renee Becker, circulation, chose this photo of wild turkeys by Bernie Hunhoff. “We had four of these visitors in our front yard last week,” Becker says. “The local population has grown in the past 5 years, which is really great to see.”
“This would be a fun place to enjoy the scenery and relax with my family,” says Tom Bitsos, circulation, of this photo of Devil’s Bathtub by Ryan Clayton. “I could chill out all day there.”
“I liked all of Bill Goehring’s photos of the aftermath of the Wessington Springs tornado, because they were matter-of-fact and had an honest look to them — nobody trying to make the disaster more or less than it was,” says editor-at-large Bernie Hunhoff. “Just another challenge in the history of South Dakota.”
Production manager Andrea Maibaum chose this photo of John Lopez’s Wild West Buffalo sculpture. It features a smaller sculpture of Sitting Bull to help tell the story of the American bison.
Emily VanDerhule, circulation, chose this photo of Keke Leiferman outside her restaurant in Kimball. “The Back Forty was one of the first ads I helped sell at the magazine. I remember looking at the pictures she sent us of her place and it looked so cool and very original. The menu sounded great,” VanDerhule says. “I’m happy to see that place doing well. And who can resist such a joy-spreading smile?” Photo by Bernie Hunhoff.
Heidi Marsh, co-publisher, chose this photo of Watertown beer brewer, Bill Dempsey. “He and his brewery are so beautifully South Dakota it's hard not to love! Oh, and the beer is delicious as well,” Marsh says. Photo by John Andrews.
John Andrews, managing editor, and Jana Lane, subscriptions director, chose this photo by Sam Quaintance. “Bighorns are one of my family’s favorite animals to search for when we go to the Black Hills. I love how expressive their eyes are in this photo,” Lane says.
“I never visited the Pomp Room, but this photo conjures up a whole era,” says Laura Johnson Andrews, assistant marketing director, of this photo from the music venue’s heyday.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Love is in the air with a recent engagement at Sylvan Lake. Happy Valentine's Day! Photo by Kristi ...
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.