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Finding Support After the Storm
Oct 9, 2013
Last week’s blizzard was devastating to South Dakota’s cattlemen and women, with livestock losses estimated in the tens of thousands. It’s hard for outsiders to understand the impact — both financial and emotional — that this will have on West River ranchers. Joan Wink of Howes, South Dakota said, “There are no words to describe the devastation and loss. Everywhere we look there are dead cattle. I’ve never seen so many.”
Here are a few sites that offer insight into the impact as well as concrete ways to help those affected:
- In The Blizzard that Never Was — and its Aftermath on Cattle and Ranchers, Dawn Wink, Joan's daughter, talks about the disaster and asks for words of encouragement and prayers for those affected.
- Jodene Shaw describes Broken Dreams and Hearts on the Western Dakota Prairie.
- The South Dakota Stockgrowers Association has advice on dealing with livestock losses.
- The Black Hills Area Community Foundation has established the South Dakota Rancher Relief Fund to help those in need.
- Use the South Dakota Cattle Locator to help return lost or found cattle to their owners.
Much appreciated!!!
South Dakota, what a great state!