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The Ringneck Ritual
Nov 17, 2014
Before South Dakota was blanketed with winter's first snowfall, Scott Korsten snapped these pheasant hunting photos at
Hunters Pointe near Humboldt. "While growing up in southeast Minnesota my dad and I spent a fair amount of time pheasant hunting. In those days and in that part of the country, we didn't find many pheasants – and the activity didn't involve much actual hunting – but it was a great opportunity to spend time together," Korsten says. "This time of year people gather in South Dakota for world-class pheasant hunting, an annual ritual that brings people together while providing an economic boost to the state's economy." See more of Korsten's work at
When they are aren't out in the fields chasing pheasants, well-trained hunting dogs look forward to being out hunting. This group of dogs waits patiently to take the field at Hunters Pointe.
South Dakota's ring-necked pheasant provides a significant economic boost to the state's economy. In 2013 an estimated $140 million was spent hunting the colorful bird.
A well-trained shorthaired pointer closes-in on a pheasant in thick brush.
A pheasant is flushed from long grass between harvested corn fields on the Hunters Pointe property.
This yellow labrador retrieves a downed ring-necked pheasant for its owner.
South Dakota State Game Fish & Parks estimates 75,000 pheasant hunters will visit the state in 2014.
South Dakota's world-class pheasant hunting draws visitors from near and far from mid-October to early January.
There is a special bond between hunters and their dogs. During this break in activity, a hunter makes sure his dog stays well hydrated.
The widely-available combination of grassland and cropland makes much of South Dakota a perfect habitat for pheasants.
Hunters from across the country descend on South Dakota during pheasant season. This group included hunters from South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Montana and California.
Idle grassland areas are the most important habitat for pheasants. A pair of dogs flush a pheasant from its cover near a ready hunter at Hunters Pointe.
Sunset signals the end of another successful pheasant hunt.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Sunset along the Lewis and Clark Trail between Pierre and Farm Island. Photo by Ron ...
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.