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South Dakota Magazine, Yankton, SD
Snowy Day at South Dakota Magazine
Dec 27, 2012
The snow hasn't stopped since we arrived at the magazine this morning. We were inspired to get outside and take some photos of the beautiful, changed landscape. But it was a little cold to venture far. Here are some photos of the historic office of South Dakota Magazine. Photos by Bernie Hunhoff.
South Dakota Magazine is published in the historic home of Territorial Governor John L. Pennington in Yankton.
The South Dakota Magazine complex now includes three houses — the Pennington house and one house on each side that were built for Pennington's children.
A courtyard joins all three properties.
A courtyard joins all three properties.
A garage houses all the back issues of South Dakota Magazine along with a stash of political signs for our publisher and politician Bernie Hunhoff.
Despite a December magazine deadline we had time to decorate for Christmas.
Our visiting statue, titled Totem Head by artist Spencer Schubert.
The snowblower was set aside until the snow subsides.
Our managing editor, Katie Hunhoff, lives just west of the Pennington house.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Love is in the air with a recent engagement at Sylvan Lake. Happy Valentine's Day! Photo by Kristi ...
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.