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Staff Favorites from September/October 2016
Sep 13, 2016
Here are some of our favorite photos from the latest issue of the magazine. What are yours?
Roger Holtzmann, contributing editor, chose this photo of a gull skimming the waters below Gavins Point Dam. Photo by Bernie Hunhoff.
Andrea Maibaum, production manager, chose this photo of horse racing at Stanley County Fairgrounds in Fort Pierre. She says the sporting event is on her "bucket list." Photo by
Bob Grandpre.
"It’s harder to shoot pictures of sailboats than you might think. Trying to capture the motion, the sky, water and sailors is a challenge,” says Bernie Hunhoff, editor-at-large. “So I appreciate
Sam Stukel’s picture from Lewis and Clark Lake’s annual late summer Bash to the Colonies."
"I feel like it's incredibly gauche to choose one of my own photos, but I can't resist Bud Ruesink on page 56,” says Laura Johnson Andrews, circulation and marketing manager. "When you walk in the door for a church supper and the first things you see are Bud and his harmonica, you know you're in for a wonderful evening."
"I like the photo on page 28 with the contrast of the Badlands and the lush green grass on the prairie," says Mary Wickler Peterson, advertising sales. "Rarely do we see it that green." Photo by
Chad Coppess, S.D. Tourism.
"I grew up 3 miles from the river and remember when there was not a sandbar in sight and I actually rode the ferry at Running Water,” says Sandy Easterling, subscriptions. "It is sad to see the river filling up, but my mom always said the best watermelons came from the farms down in the river bottom. Maybe it will be farmed again someday.” Photo by
Sam Stukel.
"Tom Trople, the buffalo rancher/welder/giant sculpture artist, is my favorite character in this issue and the photo of him is just as good. That guy has stories to tell,” says Heidi Marsh, co-publisher. Photo by Bernie Hunhoff.
"I like the Big Picture of the Missouri River bridge at Mobridge,” says John Andrews, managing editor. "It reminds me of the ocean, which is a strange thing to say about a landlocked state that lies more than 1,000 miles from the Pacific or Atlantic.” Photo by Jerry Grabow.
Paul Higbee, contributing editor, chose Bernie Hunhoff’s photo of Red Rock in northern Gregory County. "It's a landmark many of us have heard of in stories, yet have never seen — sort of like Brigadoon."
“One of my favorite bands is a bluegrass band, so I have a feeling I would like the River Liffey Boys’ ‘Blue Irish Grass Music.’ And Halley’s 1880 Store in Keystone looks like a fun place to visit,” says Rebecca Johnson, special projects coordinator. Photo by Bernie Hunhoff.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Sunrise over the Korean War Memorial in Pierre. Photo by John Wulf, The Wandering Wulfs
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.