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Old Iron Rolls On
Jul 17, 2012
Nostalgia: Harmless Enough
The Tri-State Old Iron Association's sixth annual tractor parade was held July 12-14, under the sponsorship of "Your Big Friend" WNAX Radio, a farm station that was broadcasting farm markets before the M Farmall was created. Yankton's Paddlewheel Park was home base for the 180 tractor owners. Photos by Bernie Hunhoff.
Tractors and drivers came from all surrounding states, and one fellow hauled his tractor from New York.
The old iron paraded through downtown Yankton on Friday night, July 13.
The Friday excursion was a roundtrip to Viborg, with a stop at St. Columba Catholic Church near Mayfield for lunch.
On Saturday, the tractors paraded to Bloomfield.
Both day trips logged about 72 miles in sweltering heat, but most of the tractors had umbrellas.
Hamlin Garland, a pioneer writer, recognized the American farmer's penchant for nostalgia. He once wrote, "I guess at this distance, it (nostalgia) is safe enough."
Road gear for the slowest tractor was about 12 to 15 mph.
WNAX Radio staffers have helped the Tri-State Iron Association organize and conduct the massive summer gathering.
The downtown Yankton parade has become a popular summer event for Yanktonians, many of whom can't tell a John Deere from an Oliver.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Sunset along the Lewis and Clark Trail between Pierre and Farm Island. Photo by Ron ...
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.