
Needles Highway in Winter

When a well-traveled state highway becomes a dynamite path to solitude.

Remaining Ranchland

Cattle and elk are safe “in perpetuity” on a Spearfish ranch surrounded by development.

Last Hunt with John

South Dakota’s outdoors can soothe a grieving soul.

The Paddlefish Opener

Fishing is a spectator sport.

Birder to Birdwatcher

Staying grounded with an eye on the sky.

Butterfly Week

The window is short to glimpse Dakota skippers and other rare, colorful creatures.

Ten Outdoor Adventures in South Dakota

Where do your outdoor skills and experiences rank in the wild woods, waters and prairies?

Winter Potatoes

A geological oddity in Harding County.

Goat Watcher

“Citizen scientist” Les Heiserman keeps watch on a wild herd that confounds wildlife officials.

Catch, Move and Release

Steve Nelson and his grandson improve our ponds, one fish at a time.

Elk Magic

There’s more to bugling that meets the ear.

Reaching New Heights

Black Elk Peak is the highest spot in South Dakota, but it’s not as tall as you might think.

Where the Pronghorns Play

Dick Kettlewell captures and speed and beauty of South Dakota’s pronghorns.

Fire ecologist Mary Lata says South Dakota s grasslands are often overlooked in autumn, but visitors to our national parks are often surprised at their beauty this time of year.

Autumn Grasslands

Don’t overlook South Dakota’s grassy seas this fall. Photo by Stephen Gassman

Pearls on the Prairie

Rare flora and fauna thrive in the fens of South Dakota.

Scars from the Sky

Black Hills lightning is unique, and its people and pines bear the marks to prove it.

For the Birds

Sand Lake rose from the dust and dirt of the Depression into a waterfowl haven.

Winter Hike On Black Elk Peak

We sent a writer up the mountain on a cold and sunny day. He came back and wrote this account.

Eight Over Seven … In One

Rapid City’s Erick Sykora climbed the Black Hills' tallest peaks in one day.

In Search of the Fairburn Agate

People have spent days looking for our rare and valuable state gemstone and come away with nothing. Could we find one during a morning in the Hills?

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