The Charters of Freedom Dedication-Winner

Sep 2, 2019 11:00 am

The Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, and Bill of
Rights are coming to Tripp County thanks to the efforts of citizens of Tripp County
working with Foundation Forward, Inc. of Burke County, NC. These founding
documents known as The Charters of Freedom will be permanently installed at the
Winner Courthouse in Winner, SD.
The Charters of Freedom setting will be dedicated at the Tripp County
Courthouse in Winner, SD, on September 2nd at 11 A.M., following the Labor Day
parade. The dedication ceremony and gifting of the Charters of Freedom to the citizens
of Tripp County will include a Presentation of The Colors, speeches, patriotic events,
and conclude with a cannon salute to the United States Constitution.
Tripp County will be the second Charters of Freedom setting permanently placed
in South Dakota by Foundation Forward, a 501(c)(3) educational foundation created by
Vance and Mary Jo Patterson of Burke County, North Carolina. The inspiration to set
up Foundation Forward followed their first visit to the National Archives to see the
founding documents.
“Seeing something

Location:   Tripp County Courthouse
Map:   200 E 3rd St, Winner, SD 57580
Phone:   828-522-1400

All Dates:
Sep 2, 2019 11:00 am

The Charters of Freedom Dedication

Tripp County Courthouse
Tripp County Courthouse 57580 200 E 3rd St, Winner, SD 57580
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