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Pine Ridge Fall Foliage
Oct 30, 2008
Pine Ridge might not be a fall foliage destination but we think it should be. Photos by Stephen Gassman.
Lush green leaves of cottonwood trees along the White River valley turn to bright yellows and golds.
The colors aren't overwhelming, instead their beauty lies in their isolation on a landscape that can include everything from tall prairie grasses to hardscrabble topsoil.
Cattle cool themselves near the White River Visitors Center in Badlands National Park.
Layers of fall color near Sharps Corner.
Cattails and cottonwoods create an outdoor floral arrangement near Potato Creek.
Silt and sand erodes from the Badlands and drains into the White River, giving the water a milky look. Native Americans called it the Smoky Earth River.
Pine Ridge might not be a fall foliage destination but we think it should be.
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