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Pheasant Hunting
Oct 27, 2008
South Dakota's pheasant season opened for 2008 at high noon on October 18. Some 80,000 South Dakotans and 90,000 non-residents walked corn rows and sloughs, hoping to spook up a wily ringneck.
Photo by Chad Coppess, SD Tourism.
A Jones County hunting party included (second from right) U.S. Senator John Thune, who marched through cattails and sorghum fields with several family members and friends from the Murdo area.
According to Rapid City Journal writer Kevin Woster, Thune shot a rattlesnake that was hissing near his brother, Tim. The senator took some good-natured ribbing because he reportedly needed two shots from his 12 guage.
The Thune party hunted with the Guthries, old friends who own land south of Draper. Accompanying them was the senator's father, Harold, an avid outdoorsman.
The senator and his friends and family posed at sunset. The 13 hunters bagged 39 pheasants and four grouse. It was one of those days you hate to see end, said Thune.
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South Dakota's pheasant season opened for 2008 at high noon on October 18. Some 80,000 South Dakotans ...
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