Cory Allen Heidelberger

Political Columnist

Cory Allen Heidelberger writes the Madville Times political blog. He grew up on the shores of Lake Herman. He studied math and history at SDSU and information systems at DSU, and has taught math, English, speech and French at high schools East and West River.

Contact Cory Allen Heidelberger

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Raising Legislator Pay

February 18, 2015
S.D. lawmakers are among the lowest paid in the nation. Sound familiar?

The Case Against SB 166

February 4, 2015
Why it weakens South Dakota’s initiative and referendum process.

Primary Problems

January 21, 2015
Will proposed rules make it easier or tougher to get on the ballot?

Rethinking South Dakota

January 7, 2015
How well do we know our home state?

The Build Dakota Scholarship

December 24, 2014
A gift studied in verse.

The Vanilla Budget

December 10, 2014
Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s spending plan lacks punch.

Political Drumsticks

November 26, 2014
Ten silver linings from this year’s midterm election.

Defending the Initiative

November 12, 2014
South Dakota voters have spoken in support of a minimum wage increase.

The Leftist’s Guide to Election 2014

October 29, 2014
A Democrat’s defense of the issues and candidates.

The Plot Thickens

October 15, 2014
South Dakota’s Senate race goes national.

The Online South Dakotan

October 1, 2014
Staying connected to your home state through cyberspace.

The Scandal Evolves

September 17, 2014
Will EB-5 affect the race for South Dakota’s U.S. Senate seat?

Pay Better Wages!

September 3, 2014
Workforce summits ignore the obvious.

Curbside Wisdom

August 20, 2014
Making a case for education equality on South Dakota’s reservations.

Thoughts From the Streets

August 6, 2014
Signs of South Dakota in the Pacific Northwest

More Independent Grief

July 23, 2014
South Dakota's Secretary of State rejects gubernatorial candidate Mike Myers' running mate replacement.

Jonesing For Indies

July 9, 2014
Political independents face unique challenges to getting on South Dakota’s ballot.

When the Governor Decides … And the Levee Breaks

June 25, 2014
How might you have handled the flooding in southeast South Dakota?

Primary Lessons

June 11, 2014
For South Dakota Democrats, change will be a challenge.

Leadership South Dakota

May 28, 2014
A new program hopes to create a fresh crop of movers and shakers.

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