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Michael Zimny
Arts and Culture Columnist
Michael Zimny is the social media engagement specialist for South Dakota Public Broadcasting in Vermillion. He enjoys traveling and writing about the people and places of South Dakota. Zimny writes about the arts and culture for the South Dakota Magazine website.
A Tradition of Stewardship
August 4, 2021
Generations of Boy Scouts have tended the lonely grave of an infant buried in the Badlands.
Clams of Buffalo Gap
June 16, 2021
Remains of an ancient seaway are scattered throughout the grassland.
Badlands Fast
January 27, 2021
Long-distance runners are creating new challenges in western South Dakota.
A Bridge for the Black Hills
August 5, 2020
The landmark Keystone Wye interchange was built with the forest in mind.
A Quiet Paddle
June 8, 2020
You'll see wildlife aplenty along this little-traveled stretch of the Cheyenne River. Just watch out for barbed wire and sandbars.
Off-Trail in the Badlands
May 6, 2020
The White River Overlook is a popular stop on the Badlands Loop Road, but the more adventurous can explore even further.
Exploring Deer Haven
April 8, 2020
The remoteness of the Badlands provides ample opportunity for socially distant travels.
The Utopia That War Built
December 4, 2019
Igloo was created to house war materiel, but it also fostered a diverse community.
Hidden Trails
June 5, 2019
Two little-known hiking excursions explore the wilderness just beyond the urbanity of Rapid City.
Embrace the Funk
May 8, 2019
Skunks aren’t so bad, so here are some tips to help welcome them to your backyard.