Bernie Hunhoff

Editor & Publisher

Bernie started the magazine in 1985 after working in the newspaper business in South Dakota. He has been stuck on gumbo trails in Lyman County, been hissed at by rattlers at Porcupine and forced to eat everything from lutefisk to roast goat. It's all part of the job of publishing South Dakota Magazine.

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Granite markers divide the 360-mile border between the two Dakotas.

Who Owns Them?

August 22, 2014
The U.S. government put them there, but who actually has ownership of our unique boundary markers?

A tornado devastated Wessington Springs on June 18, 2014. KELOLAND News photo.

Newspapers & Tornadoes

August 1, 2014
The value of old-fashioned wood pulp in an ever-changing world.

Interested in Some Web History?

July 29, 2014
South Dakota Magazine writers were among our state's first bloggers a decade or so ago.

Tom Sawyer, as we found him at Deerfield Store in 2005.

End of the Deerfield Chapter

December 20, 2013
Tom Sawyer and his sparky wife Sherrill suffered a great loss in 1972 and Deerfield was never the same.

Pioneer politicians and members of the  Yankton gang  gather at the first territorial capitol in downtown Yankton.

South Dakota Returns To Its Roots

October 31, 2013
Yankton will kick off the state's 125th birthday party Saturday with Governor Daugaard ... and hopefully with you as well.

Joan Wink sent us this picture, taken by her husband, Dean, while searching for his herd.

South Dakotans Will Survive

October 16, 2013
A blizzard named Atlas tests the spirit of our expansive state.

Youngsters get their first close-up look at river trout when they descend the stairway at the hatchery.

Fishing for Answers

August 26, 2013
Uncle Sam's longtime fishing buddy in the Black Hills deserves better.

An artist s drawing of Crazy Horse and his Lakota people as they traveled to the reservation in 1877.

Search for the Lost Trail

August 12, 2013
A Kansan's lifelong efforts to collect the stories of Crazy Horse and other Lakota leaders.

Purple petunias line Howard s main street.

To the Green Thumbers

August 2, 2013
A tip of the hat to South Dakota flower planters.

Jamie McDonald might be England s only cowboy, even though he never rode a horse until he arrived in South Dakota.

England's Lone Bull Rider

July 24, 2013
England's only bull rider wins hearts (if not the rodeo) in Burke.

Layne Somsen, a Jackrabbit standout, will now pitch in the Reds farm system.

Yankton: An Athletic Village

June 12, 2013
Why Brookings and Yankton sports fans have a new interest in Johnny Bench's old team.

Union County citizens joined together to fix the big porch on the old Spink Store near Beresford. The store continues to serve as a restaurant.

What's Worth Saving in South Dakota?

May 28, 2013
Many towns have made progress, but are we practical to a fault when it comes to preservation?

Rehme Sutton is touring South Dakota.

Singing Across South Dakota

May 15, 2013
Burke ranch girl Rehme Sutton debuts a new album and comes home to sing it.

Peyton Bischoff picks wild asparagus on his grandparents  farm north of Huron. Photo by Abby Bischoff.

America's Asparagus Gap

May 6, 2013
Asparagus stories in New York Magazine and South Dakota Magazine show America's diverse taste for rural and urban living.

Fred and Luella Cozad are easily recognizable because they are almost always together, and they dress alike on most days.

Buying a Lawyer for Your Town

May 1, 2013
If you could buy a couple like the Cozads, we say go for it.

Who's Working on Your Street?

April 24, 2013
We didn't appreciate Camtu until she was gone, and that's too sad for words.

The brick signage has outlived the historic Chateau in Fort Pierre.

Duffys Lock the Chateau Door

April 15, 2013
There oughta be a law against the Chateau closing its doors in Fort Pierre. It was open government at its finest.

Yankton County s C&K Farm was named for Chris and Katie Hunhoff, but the name never made a map.

Name That Farm

April 9, 2013
Remember the days when farmers named their estates?

Ed Staudenmier and Dick Kafka of the Charles Mix County Museum in Wagner recently obtained a kayak made by a Fort Randall dam builder of scrap canvas and lumber found at the dam site.

Save a Museum

April 1, 2013
After God and Family, is there much that's more important to your town?

With another hot, dry summer forecasted for 2013, South Dakota officials encourage homeowners, farmers and ranchers to minimize fire danger by taking precautions now. Photo by Bernie Hunhoff.

Prepare for Hot and Dry in South Dakota

March 27, 2013
State wildfire officials advise firefighters and home owners to prepare for the worst in 2013.

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