Katie Hunhoff

Travel & Culture Columnist

Katie is the publisher of South Dakota Magazine. She coordinates our feature articles and photography, and guides the editorial process along from issue to issue.

Contact Katie Hunhoff

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Pick The Green Tomatoes

September 28, 2011
Ideas from our readers of what to do with unripe (but still nutritious!) green tomatoes.

Gardener's Pie

September 15, 2011
Gundy's Market in Yankton is a fun Saturday morning stop, and a great place to find fresh produce to experiment with in the kitchen. 

Our Zucchini Cook-off

September 1, 2011
We were all winners in South Dakota Magazine's zucchini cooking competition.

Summer Garden Pasta

August 29, 2011
In my opinion, nothing smells better than tomatoes and basil fresh from the garden. This weekend a friend gave me some fresh basil, and I had onions and tomatoes that needed to be picked.

Different in Good Ways

August 19, 2011
Meet our managing editor and food columnist, Katie Hunhoff.

Bernie, Emma Lou and the rhubarb torte at the 2011 Hunhoff picnic.

Bernie's Favorite Dessert

July 22, 2011
The Hunhoffs have been gathering for a Fourth of July picnic for over 20 years. Culinary-wise, it's the highlight of the summer. 

Rita s pea salad.

Easy Summer Salad

July 19, 2011
Today I ate lunch at the Open Door in Menno. It's been years since I've visited the tiny, pretty town located near the James River. My dad told me that people used to come for miles around on Sundays to drink a cold beer in Menno's very popular beer garden, which was more like a back alley than a garden.

Zucchini Brownies: Hold the Eggs

July 18, 2011
Bakers have bombarded the South Dakota Magazine office with phone calls after reading the feature in our July/August issue about our office zucchini cook-off. Departments Editor John Andrews submitted a recipe for zucchini brownies, a dish that doesn’t exactly feature the vegetable but may be one of the tastiest ways ever devised to get rid of a cup or two. Seasoned bakers believe we made an ...

Yeller guarding the South Dakota Magazine garden.

Almost Tomato Time

July 11, 2011
I've never canned vegetables before but I'm determined to start this summer. My motivation is a New York Times review I recently read on the book "Tomatoland" by Barry Estabrook. 

Strawberry Crisp

We have a small strawberry patch behind the South Dakota Magazine office and it seems it is at its peak right now. 

Rapid City Peregrine Release: Now on Live Feed

June 22, 2011
Raptor biologist Janie Fink released osprey near Yankton a few years ago. Now she's in Rapid City releasing peregrine falcons.

Rhubarb Margaritas

I've heard from several friends that the rhubarb harvest is amazing this year. If you're getting tired of rhubarb tarts and pies, margaritas are a fun way to use up your reserves. This recipe is the perfect blend of tart and sweet.

Jerry on his Clay County farm. Photo by Norma Wilson.

Historic Farm & Prairie Protected

April 25, 2011
Former South Dakota Magazine editor Jerry Wilson made news recently when he and his wife, Norma, donated a perpetual conservation easement on their 143 acre farm to the Northern Prairies Land Trust.

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