
Bickering Over Brandy

The Rounds family makes smooth spirits atop a river bluff.

Chocolates to Sigh For

Deadwood’s most delectable desserts come from the Chubby Chipmunk.

Shawn Gengerke s invention ensures you load the perfect amount of grain every time.

The Perfect Load of Grain

There's no more guessing thanks to Shawn Gengerke.

A Developing Story

Rand Williams is a matchmaker of old buildings and today’s dreams.

South Dakota State University s dairy bar serves ice cream and other treats produced on campus.

The Cookies and Cream Dream

The ice cream flavor was born at SDSU.

Custer gunsmith Hugh Toenjes.

The Rifleman

Old-world craftsmanship in the Black Hills.

Making ‘Scents’

Pleasant aromas are wafting through Platte.

Tanka Bar s mix of bison and cranberry has origins in traditional Lakota culture and serves as a low-calorie alternative to other snack foods.

Wasna for a New Generation

Tanka Bars feed the masses and help those living on Pine Ridge.

Farm-made at Lake Preston

“If it’s smokin’ it’s cooking — if it’s black it’s done”: the family motto that led to a better grill.

Oscar Austad began Austad s Golf by selling equipment from the trunk of his car.

The Sales Secrets of Oscar Austad

Sioux Falls’ golf empire started in a car trunk.

Gas, Pop, Eggs ... and 1,000 Guns

Kones Korner is a hunter's paradise in Hamlin County.

Jim and Nancy Schade at their Volga vineyard.

Fruit of the Volga Vine

Jim and Nancy Schade have made Brookings County wine country.

Wheels for Firefighters

October 15, 2013
Harold Boer transformed his Lyons welding shop and gas station into a major producer of fire trucks.

Edgar’s Old Fashioned Soda Fountain

Kevin & Barb Wurtz serve up ice cream history in Elk Point.

Seeing crocodiles, alligators and other wild beasts in action is part of the fun at Reptile Gardens. Photo by Chad Coppess of South Dakota Tourism. Click to enlarge photos.

Rapid City Reptiles

July 31, 2013
See the crawling, squirming creatures people love to hate at Reptile Gardens.

Kelly Melius and Bill Keldsen created this elevated Common Sense bale feeder in 1999. Photo by Kelly Melius.

Cow Know-How Guides Inventor

Kelly Melius uses cow sense and common sense to build livestock equipment on his farm near Faulkton.

Pomegranate Market strives to attract like-minded farm suppliers, customers and staffers. In 2011, helpful staff members included (from left) Natalie McFarland, Kristen Perschon and Patty Ammann.

The Pomegranate Lifestyle

January 22, 2013
A Sioux Falls market feeds 'body, mind and spirit'

John Mills  snowy Brookings County farm inspired the creation of J-Wheelz, an ATV tire attachment that adds traction without hindering drivability.

Mills on Wheels

Brookings men make ATVing easier.

Daktronics helps sports teams around the world keep score. The Brookings company s co-founder Al Kurtenbach, left, is pictured here with South Dakota Magazine publisher Bernie Hunhoff. Photo by Heidi Marsh.

Keeping Time

Boards from Daktronics in Brookings illuminate the world. 

Book Keeping

A Phillips Avenue bookstore has been a haven for Sioux Falls readers since 1988.

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